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Bowling Ettiquette

FremontJim - Saturday, March 22, 2014

Certain things to be aware of while bowling.

There are four parts to a bowling lane. The approach leads up to the foul line at the beginning of the bowling lane. The foul line marks the end of the approach and the beginning of the lane. The lane is the majority of the planks where the ball is released and travels towards the pins. The final part of the bowling lane is the pin deck where the ten bowling pins are set. Bowling lanes were originally constructed of planks of hard maple and pine wood. However, lanes are now constructed of approved synthetic materials similar to wood. In total, the standard bowling lane is 41 to 42 inches in width and 77 feet, 10 3/16 inches in length.

There is a seating area behind your bowling approach where you can change your shoes and wait your turn to bowl. Make sure you are wearing bowling shoes before you step onto the approach.

If you are using one of the balls provided by the bowling alley, make sure that it feels comfortable. Pick up the ball using the finger holds and allow your are to lay at rest on your side. Lift the ball up to your chin with one hand. Then place the ball in your other hand and release it by removing your fingers from the finger holes. This should be an easy process. If the ball feels to heavy or too light, or if your fingers get stuck, even for a moment, you should use a different ball.

Do not lob the ball. The ball should be released from your hand before your hand and arm begins to raise. This is something that primarily affects new bowlers. If you find that your ball has an upward arc in its trajectory, you should find time to practice your throw. Go slow, and first start of stopping at the point where you would release your ball. Your arm should be less that 45 degrees angled downward. Anything more than that would give upward momentum to your ball, creating a lob.

Before your throw your ball down the alley, check the alleys on either side of you. Anyone who appears to be in the bowling stance (ball in hand and ready to move forward) should be allowed to bowl before you take your bowling stance. In this case, take a couple of steps back and hold your ball in front of you with both hands. For obvious reasons, the same applies to those who have begun taking steps to throw their ball. 

When you do step up and take your bowling stance, it is wise to look on either side to make sure that they know you are ready to throw your ball.


More stories from FremontJim

I love bowling.

reply by ID_2011 Saturday, October 18, 2014 4:06 AM