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Picnic Basket Packing Basics

FremontJim - Saturday, October 27, 2012

Whether you are going to the beach, camping out, or heading to the picnic area at your favorite park, don’t forget these important items on your packing list:

  1. A table cloth, suitable for ground cover;
  2. Weights or tape to hold the table cloth down;
  3. Extra bags for holding trash and waste;
  4. Pen and paper;
  5. Toliet Paper
  6. Flashlight with spare batteries (Check batteries and replace as needed)

Always make a list and take it with you.  Should you find that you missed something, add it to your list.  Always use the list when preparing for your outing.



More stories from FremontJim

Any suggestions on where to go?

reply by ID_2011 Saturday, October 18, 2014 4:08 AM