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Finding North

FremontJim - Sunday, September 18, 2016

This is how to find north in the northern hemispher at night.

First, you must be able to identify two simple constellations: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor also known as the Big Dipper and Little Dipper respectively. These are easily identifiable because the stars that are noticeable form the shape of a pan with a handle.

The Little Dipper is the key constellation to find as it has the star called, "Polaris" or the North Star. This constellation is not as easy to find as the Big Dipper, but the Big Dipper is key to finding the Little Dipper.

So first find the big dipper. The handle is represented by three stars and the pan by four stars. Looking at the two stars at the edge of the pan oposite the handle, draw an imaginary line from the star at the  bottom of the pan through the star at the the top of the pan and continue with the straight line. You will eventually come to a star that represents the end of the handle of the little dipper. This is Polaris, which, contrary to popular belief, is not the brightest star in the sky, but it is the North Star. When you face it, you are facing north. All of the constellations around it will appear to revolve around it.

To find North in the Southern Hemisphere at night is a bit trickier. First you need to locate the Southern Cross constellation. Focus on the two stars that form the long axis of the cross and draw an imaginary line from the left star through the right star and continue on about five times as long. At that end point, you will be facing South. North, obviously, is right behind you.

Finding North during the day. This takes a little time and can only be done when you have at least 20 minutes of sunlight. Start by puting a stick into the ground vertically. It should stick straight up. Put a marker (pebble, penny, or whatever you have) on the ground at the end of the shadow casted by the stick. (The taller the stick the better). Wait at least 20 minutes while there is still sunlight, then place another marker at tip of the shadows new location. Place your right foot by the first marker and your left foot by the second marker (uncrossed, of course). Standing up straight, you will be facing North.


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