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July National Ice Cream Month

dibs corner

The Ritual of Selecting Wine
FremontJim | 4 Comments

A long standing tradition in most classy restaurants is the selection of wine. This can be very disconcerting to the uninitiated, but if you follow these read more...

Eating Sushi in Style
JoeAbs | 3 Comments

As a soldier stationed in Japan, I was told by my superiors that I represented the U.S. and as such, it was my duty to learn and respect the Japanese culture. When I returned to the states, I q read more...

Going to the Ren Faire
chou chan | 0 Comments

It was really really hot.

Finding North
FremontJim | 0 Comments

This is how to find north in the northern hemispher at night. First, you must be able to identify two simple constellations: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor also known as the Big Dipper and Little Dipper respectively. These a read more...

Best Biker Bar in Fremont
FremontJim | 0 Comments

If you are biking through the area, be sure to visit The Florence!   This is a favorite spot for bikers to hang out before and after a Niles Canyon ride. Come meet other bikers and make new friends. read more...

Camp Star Gazing
FremontJim | 0 Comments

Some fun things to do at night while camping. One of the greatest things about camping is the lack of light pollution. This enables one to see many of the stars at night that are normally masked by city lights. An oppor read more...