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DISCLAIMER: dibs is currently in beta mode. During beta mode, the reward programs are not active.

Find it! Claim it! Dibs!

Claim dibs and collect doubloons

When you start the app, it will show you a map of your general location. Dibs overlay’s the map with our own icons and shows the name of the venue you’re at. If you’re the first to discover this new place, then you can use the app to “claim dibs”! What does that mean? You can build up your Street Cred and unlock hidden features of our App! Your "Street Cred" score shows how much of a fun person you are. Whether it dining out, singing at a karaoke bar, or zip lining in Wine Country, whenever you check into a place, you earn a "Street Cred" point. If you find a place where "Dibs!" has not been called, call "Dibs!" on it and earn one marker and three "Street Cred" points. Then each time someone checks into a place where you have called "Dibs!", you earn an additional "Street Cred" point! Exchange markers for specialty coins that can be used to unlock special features of Dibs Place.

If someone has claim dibs already don’t worry, there are thousands of new places to be discovered and we want to hear about them! Remember you can earn more points toward your rewards when you write a blog about your experiences! Click the Rewards link for more info.

Make 10 discoveries and earn 1 doubloon worth 10 additional points.1

Log in to be the first to Claim Dibs! If you don’t have an account sign up now, registration is free.

Claim Dibs!

Wait! There’s more! Check out the app for any available discounts or coupons offers and you could earn a doubloon just for using those promos! How great is that?! Saving money means earning rewards! Coupons and discounts are limited and vary based on location.

1Disclaimer: Points, rewards and discounts are only valid through participating venues and will be subject for review. All Franchises are excluded unless otherwise noted by the dibs team. Please review our list of excluded venues.